Homeowners Property Tax Exemption

HOPE stands for Homeowners Property Exemption. It is also referred to as the Poverty Tax Exemption, “PTE” or Hardship Program. HOPE provides an opportunity for homeowners to be exempt from their current year property taxes based on household income or circumstances. If approved, you will still be responsible for any fees such as the solid waste fee. The solid waste fee is discounted at to $120 for HOPE approved homeowners. The HOPE application is an annual application, homeowners must apply every year.
The Alger Theater has been assisting homeowners across the city with HOPE applications for three years, but have ten years of overall experience with the HOPE program. The Alger Theater has partnered with Rocket Community Fund to canvas 5,500 east side homes in 2023 to hear our residents needs and to alert neighbors of available services. We are once again opening our doors to assist with HOPE applications throughout 2024. Please fill out the contact form below to schedule an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process?
Make an appointment with the Alger through HOPE@algertheater.org
Collect necessary documents listed in the next section "WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING"
Confirm appointment with our appointment scheduler.
If your HOPE meeting is in person, please arrive a few minutes ahead of your schedule appointment time.
Submit application and required documents with one of our processors.
Only the Board of Review can approve an application.
2024 applications are required to be filed by 4:30pm on November 1, 2024. Applications are processed by the Board of Review at an ongoing basis.
What do I need TO BRING?
Valid government ID or LICENSE
Registered proof of ownership DEED
Most recent TAX RETURN, for adults if filed
Last FOUR weeks of pay stubs, or self-employment
2023 and 2024 SOCIAL SECURITY statement
PROOF of residency for minor children
Last four digits ONLY of your social security number
Eligibility for the HOPE is based on whether you own and occupy your home as your primary residence and your household income or circumstances. Please review the income levels listed on the HOPE website. Most homeowners whose income is below the guidelines are generally approved.
Contact us About HOPE
Alger Theater
16451 East Warren
Detroit, Mi 48224
Call: 313- 720 - 3904
Email: HOPE@algertheater.org
Property Assessment Board of Review
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
2 Woodward Ave. Suite 105
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Call: 313-628-0722
Email: boardofreview@detroitmi.gov